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Presentation schedule (Fall 2010)

Page history last edited by nathan rein 13 years, 10 months ago


Tu 9/21

Young Monk Luther

L 54-67, S 2.3, 2.4; Luther’s memories of monastic life; revisit his account of his breakthrough (O); Johann Kessler’s encounter with Luther in disguise (R 16-18)


Th 9/23

The indulgence controversy and its consequences

L 67-86; S 2.5-2.9, 2.11-2.13; Myconius’s account of indulgence-selling; The 95 Theses; Papal bulls Salvator Noster and Unigenitus; Luther’s letter to Albrecht of Mainz (O)

For discussion: construct a case in favor of the indulgence system, using your knowledge of popular piety from week 2.


Tu 9/28

Luther’s condemnation

S 2.18, 2.20-2.22; Luther’s account of the Leipzig debate; papal bulls Exsurge Domine and Decet Romanum; Luther’s speech before the Diet; humanist and popular reactions to Luther (all O)

For discussion: Identify the primary issue in the dispute between Luther and his opponents. Is it primarily concerned with theology, or with authority? Can they be separated? Why or why not?


Th 9/30

Translating the scripture, reforming the churches

L 87-99; S 3.3-3.12; Luther’s introduction to the NT, H 66-72

For discussion: What does Luther mean by grace? by law?

First paper due


Tu 10/5

Karlstadt and Luther

L 99-107; S 3.13-3.18

For discussion: The concepts of justification and sanctification. Which is more important for early modern Christian practice?


Th 10/7

Reform takes hold: abolition of the mass, popular propaganda

R 19-26

For discussion: What do we learn from these sources about ordinary peoples’ understanding of the historical events taking place around them?


Tu 10/12

NT: Gospel of John, Romans (again), Galatians

Heidelberg theses, Dillenberger 501-503; Invocavit sermons, H 59-66; Freedom of a Christian, H 31-59; Preface to Romans, Dillenberger 19-35; Commentary on Galatians, H 123-37 (full edn.: Dillenberger 99-165)


Th 10/14

Two Kinds of Righteousness (Dillenberger, 86-96)

Cajetan, On Faith and Works (O)


Tu 10/19

No class (Fall holiday)


Tu 10/26

Erasmus, On the Freedom of the Will (R 27-58. Selections TBA)


Th 10/28

Luther, On the Bondage of the Will (Dillenberger, 166-203)


Th 11/4

Luther, On Governmental Authority, H 73-92 and To the Christian Nobility, Dillenberger 403-488 (selections TBA)

Second paper due


Tu 11/9

L ch. 6; S 5.1-5.8, 5.13-5.14, 5.17-5.21; Müntzer, “Sermon Before the Princes” (R 59-70); H 63-86 (“Twelve Articles” and “Admonition to Peace”); “Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes” (R 71-74)


Th 11/11

L ch. 7; S 6.4-6.6, 6.10, 6.16-6.18, 6.20-6.23; Zwingli, “On True and False Religion” (O); contrasting reports of the Marburg Colloquy (O)


Tu 11/16

L 188-203; S 7.1, 7.2, 7.5-7.9; H 163-172; Luther confronts Karlstadt (O)



Th 11/18

L 203-213; S 7.11-7.21; H 172-182, 194-202


Tu 11/23

L ch. 9; S 8.2-8.7, 8.12, 8.14, 8.15-8.22


Tu 11/30

L 234-247; S 9.1-9.4; Calvin’s autobiographical Preface on the Psalms (O)


Th 12/2

L 247-259; S 9.5-9.16; Calvin, “Reply to Sadoleto” (O)


Th 11/25

No class (Thanksgiving holiday)


Tu 12/7

Knowledge of God, self, and sin

Sels. from the Institutes I and II (O);

H 213-244 (on predestination)




Th 12/9

The life of the church

H 205-213; plus other selections from the Institutes (O).



Tu 12/11

L ch. 14; The Council of Trent’s decree on justification and selections from St. Ignatius of Loyola (O)



Fun stuff




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